Department of Chemistry
200 University Ave. W
Waterloo, Ontario,
Canada N2L 3G1
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Parent: Where are you going? Teenager: Out. Parent: Who are you going with? Teenager: Friends.
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Malley’s Radioactivity is a detailed account of the discovery of the phenomenon and its development into a science. Her history of radioactivity is extremely thorough, including, in addition to copious end notes and a complete bibliography, six appendices.
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As part of the grade 12 equilibrium unit, I have my students perform a very traditional lab activity demonstrating Le Châtelier's principle. They rotate through a series of stations where they use a semi-microlab approach to investigate a different equilibrium system at each one.
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The reaction of iron(II) sulfate and silver nitrate has led to some interesting observations such as the formation of metallic silver and iron(III) sulfate/nitrate. This investigation of the reaction involves precipitation of sparingly soluble salts, formation of complex ions, conductivity measurements, filtration, centrifugation, redox and melting.
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