Department of Chemistry
200 University Ave. W
Waterloo, Ontario,
Canada N2L 3G1
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When I shared my findings at a 1983 conference, there was not much interest. By 1991, Dr. George Bodnar, Purdue University, was giving a ChemEd 91 talk on problem solving using Polya’s methods to a packed room. I am not aware of how many teachers tried these methods.
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Remember formal lab reports from your undergrad days? Multiple page affairs starting with an abstract, followed by an introduction, experimental, data, calculations and ending with the (dreaded) discussion. These reports did me a lot of good.
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In the September 2014 issue, we asked readers for their feedback on five items from last year’s CHEM 13 NEWS Exam. Based on item analysis these questions were considered good discriminators between strong and weak students. Here are some of your responses.
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Chemical reactions are the most exciting part of chemistry class. Over the past five years I have developed an experience-based chemical reactions unit that features instructional videos coupled with a small group laboratory experience, whole-class demonstrations, and an interactive “demo test” as a final assessment.
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