Department of Chemistry
200 University Ave. W
Waterloo, Ontario,
Canada N2L 3G1
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The Right Chemistry is not only the title of the book that I’m reviewing here but also the title of Dr. Joe’s weekly radio show and the weekly articles that he emails every Saturday (to get on his list mail Although this book is Dr. Joe’s 14th, it is the first to bear the title that he had pleaded for 15 years ago, when he wrote his first book.
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Growing crystals is always a beautiful classic demonstration...
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Everyone has one — the uncle or aunt or grandparent or parent who tells the same lame story at every family gathering. In my family, I'm that guy. I pretend not to notice the eye-rolling and the "I think my cell phone is ringing" when I start my reminiscences.
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We carried out the well-known experiment where a copper rod is placed in a silver nitrate solution, AgNO3(aq). We measured the reduction in mass of the copper and the mass of silver liberated.
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