Department of Chemistry
200 University Ave. W
Waterloo, Ontario,
Canada N2L 3G1
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Kathy Kitzmann has won the James Bryant Conant award for High School Chemistry Teaching. Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. sponsors this award to recognize, encourage and stimulate outstanding teachers of high school chemistry in the United States, its possessions or territories, at the national level.
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The title paraphrases the quotation attributed to Louis Pasteur (1822 – 1895), a French microbiologist credited with developing the germ theory of disease. No one-trick pony, Pasteur discovered stereochemistry and invented Pasteurization, probably in his spare time.
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I first took notice of PLA (polylactide or poly-lactic acid) polymers in the summer of 2009 while vacationing at our family cottage. There, most evenings included a campfire, some conversation, occasionally even a song, but on this night the peaceful sounds of a summer evening came to an abrupt halt with an ear-splitting crackle.
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We all know that it is important to have prepared chemistry teachers in place at our schools. Unfortunately, some of us have stories that punctuate the struggle that many new chemistry teachers face as they try to wade their way through the curriculum, required content, preparation of labs and activities, etc.
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