Department of Chemistry
200 University Ave. W
Waterloo, Ontario,
Canada N2L 3G1
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Many years ago I attended an ASM Materials Science Teachers’ Camp in Ottawa that covered polymers, ceramics, metals and composite materials. During one session they discussed how western society had lost the Roman recipe for concrete after the empire collapsed. Author: David Robinson, Toronto District Christian High School, Woodbridge, Ontario
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A student cannot learn what he or she doesn’t understand
You may have heard me rant against formal lab reports. I have no time for this waste of time. Having high school students copy a list of equipment/chemicals, regurgitate a recipe and write what they were supposed to observe strikes me — and my students — as pointless. Author: Michael P Jansen, Crescent School, Toronto, Ontario
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How to best guide new teachers
As this school year ends, probably the last thing on your mind is those new teachers who are just graduating from teacher’s college and starting fresh at your school this September. But trust me, they are thinking about September and they will need your help. Author: Katherine Mansfield, Waterloo District School Board, Waterloo, Ontario
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Write the answers to the questions in the grid. One vertical column will be the chemical name of an over-the-counter medication. Author: Avi Ornstein, Classical Magnet School, Hartford, Connecticut
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