Smiles in chemistry from birthdays to Mole Days

Students in a classroom with many wearing numbers on their T-shirt that combines to form 6.02 x 1023 Avogadro's number.Above: Jeanne Honsberger’s class at Port Credit Secondary School, Port Credit ON. Jeanne also sent in the below photo (centre-left) of white-icing cupcakes. Below left: Jeannette Gobolos, Williams Lake Secondary School, Williams Lake BC with her students, Britney Anderson and Ellis Smith (glasses) and their custom-made periodic table shirts. Below centre-right: Brian Williams’ periodic table birthday cake at Lamar High School, Lamar TX. Below right: Deanna Cullen, Whitehall High School, Whitehall MI sent in this photo of a student’s mother who baked 112 cupcakes. Mother and daughter are pictured arranging the cupcakes while studying the classroom periodic table. Bottom: Mole Day celebrations in Albert Moniz’s class, Streetsville Secondary School, Streetsville ON.

Jeannette Gobolos with her students, Britney Anderson and Ellis Smith and their blue custom-made periodic table shirts.

Cupcakes each with a letter that spells out the message “Happy Mole Day 6.02 x 10^23”.

A round cake with a periodic table in icing.

Two females looking at the periodic table and arranging cupcakes, each with a different element symbol in icing, to form a periodic table.

A classroom room of smiling high school students with a periodic table made of cupcakes, with each cupcake having an elemental symbol in icing.