This year the exams were written online in Canada and worldwide. Here is a brief summary of the results.
Number of Students | Number of Schools | Average Score (out of 40) |
Average Score (percent) |
Chem 13 News | Number of Students 2198 | Number of Schools 311 | Average Score (out of 40) 15.25 |
Average Score (percent) 38.13 |
Avogadro | Number of Students 4367 | Number of Schools 372 | Average Score (out of 40) 17.26 |
Average Score (percent) 43.15 |
Number of Students | Number of Schools | Average Score (out of 40) |
Average Score (percent) |
Student Yashan Chelliahpilla and his teacher Samuel Dijohn holding winning tiles in a chemistry lab
Yashan Chelliahpilla, from Glenforest Secondary School in Mississauga (Ontario), scored a near perfect 39 out of 40 on the 2018 Chem 13 News Exam and ranked 2nd out of the 2198 students worldwide who wrote this year’s exam. Yashan is shown alongside his teacher Samuel Diljohn holding his elemental tile, featuring erbium (element 68) to commemorate the year (1968) in which the first issue of the Chem 13 News magazine was published. Tiles were awarded to the top 200 students in Canada and the United States. Our sincere thanks to Diana Wang-Martin, a Grade 12 Chemistry teacher at Glenforest Secondary School, who submitted the photo.
Stephen Chen holding a winning tile in front of a periodic table with teacher, Melissa Rathier
Stephen Chen, a grade 11 student from Appleby College in Oakville (Ontario), was one of two students from 4367 students worldwide (and the only student in Canada) to achieve a perfect score of 40 out of 40 on the 2018 Avogadro exam. Stephen is holding his elemental tile, featuring lutetium (element 71) to commemorate the year (1971) in which the University of Waterloo’s first high school chemistry exam was written. Tiles were awarded to the top 200 students in Canada and the United States. Pictured is Melissa Rathier, the chemistry lead teacher at Appleby College, who submitted the photo. Stephen’s teacher Robert Porteous is not pictured.