
Welcome to the 18th Canadian Semiconductor Science and Technology Conference

The Conference will cover the general area of the growth, characterization, processing and application of semiconductor materials and devices, including but not restricted to fundamental problems, epitaxy, photonics and more.


The Canadian Semiconductor Science and Technology Conference (CSSTC) has a long tradition, dating back to 1982, when the first meeting of this biennial series, under the name of Canadian Semiconductor Technology Conference (CSTC), was organized in Ottawa by the National Research Council of Canada (NRC). In order to avoid overlaps with the International Conference on Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS) biennial series, the meeting was switched from even to odd years with the 7th CSTC, which was held in 1995. NRC had been the main organizer and sponsor for CSTC until 2005. The 13th CSTC was held in Montreal in 2007, followed by the 14th meeting in Hamilton in 2009.  For the 15th 2011 meeting in Vancouver, in recognition of the growing presence of fundamental research and its importance in driving applications and technology transfer, the conference was given its present name of the Canadian Semiconductor Science and Technology Conference (CSSTC).  The following meetings, 16th CSSTC was held in Thunder Bay in 2013, while the most recent 17th CSSTC was held in Sherbrooke in 2015.


The annual Canadian Semiconductor Technology and Science Conference will host a number of plenary, invited, and tutorial speakers at the University of Waterloo

Meyya Meyyappa

Meyya Meyyappan

Chief Scientist, NASA Ames Research Center, USA 

Manijeh Razeghi

Manijeh Razeghi

 Walter P. Murphy Professor, Northwestern University, USA

Kimberley Thelander

Kimberely Thelander

 Professor, Lund University, Sweden

University of Waterloo Campus