Graduated (MASc), 2016

I am currently a Master of Applied Sciences (MASc) student in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department (ECE) of University of Waterloo. My area of specialization is Computer Software with concentration on Embedded Systems/Software under supervision of Prof. Fischmeister.
I completed my B.Sc. in Isfahan University of Technology in Electrical Engineering with honors with the major of Communications. During that studies, I published a paper in 16th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing (AISP2012) which ended up as the best paper of the symposium in signal processing branch. My B.Sc. thesis was design and implementation of spectrum analyzer interface for analog oscilloscopes. There were several practical concepts of embedded systems and signal processing involved in this project. I graduated from there in June 2013.
My major research interests are Embedded Systems/Software and Signal Processing.