Short Biography

In my professional experience, I have worked as an Intern on Voice over IP technology at Title Developments and on Health Care Products, by Veteran Affairs US, in Kabot international.
I joined the Embedded Division of Mentor Graphics as Software Development Engineer in Compiler Team. At Mentor Graphics, the addition of Dynamic Variant Support (DVS) in Assembler for Motorola Coldfire Architecture was one of my major works. DVS enables the assembler to adapt to new variant, for Coldfire Architecture, of different Instruction and Register Sets by just adding one XML based DVS File. Other work performed while with the Compiler Team includes, Benchmarking of Microtec Compiler and Customer Support in different issues of Linker and Assembler.
Later I moved on to Platform Solutions of Real Time Operating System Team. I worked on different things like from building library, to support Floating Point instructions, to modification of I2C Drivers of different Platforms. I implemented the Ethernet Driver for ARM IMX series platform with a performance of 9MBPS (total 10MBPS). I explored Liquid Crystal Display to add different colors support. All the Drivers were built using APIs of Nucleus PLUS.