Giovani Gracioli received his B.Sc degree on Computer Science from UFSM, Brazil, in 2007, M.Sc degree in Computer Science from UFSC, Brazil, in 2009, and Ph.D degree in Automation and Systems Engineering from UFSC, Brazil, in 2014. He has been involved with international collaborations with University of Waterloo and Friedrich-Alexander University, Germany, since 2008. Since 2013, he is an adjunct professor in the mobility engineering department of UFSC, Joinville, Brazil, where he leaded the Software/Hardware Integration Lab (LISHA) branch and taught programming related and real-time operating systems courses.
He performs system software research, focusing on embedded systems, real-time multicore systems, and operating systems. He has been involved in several industry projects of IoT, WSNs, and Digital TV. He has been the advisor of the team that won the Brazilian Intel Embedded System Contest 2016. He is the author of several published conference and journal papers.