Gracioli, G. ., & Fischmeister, S. . (2012). Tracing and Recording Interrupts in Embedded Software. Journal of Systems Architecture, 58, 372-385. (Original work published 2025)
Reference author: Giovani Gracioli
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Gracioli, G. ., & Fischmeister, S. . (2009). Tracing Interrupts in Embedded Software. Proc. Of the ACM SIGPLAN SIGBED Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES), 137-146. Dublin, Ireland. (Original work published 2025)
Kauffman, S. ., Dunne, M. ., Gracioli, G. ., Khan, W. ., Benann, N. ., & Fischmeister, S. . (2020). Palisade: A Framework for Anomaly Detection in Embedded Systems. Journal of Systems Architecture, 1-17.
Dunne, M. ., Gracioli, G. ., & Fischmeister, S. . (2018). A Comparison of Data Streaming Frameworks for Anomaly Detection in Embedded Systems. International Workshop on Security and Privacy for the Internet-of-Things (IoTSec). Presented at the. Orlando, USA.