Fischmeister, S. ., Menkhaus, G. ., & Stumpfl, A. . (2003). Location-Detection Strategies in Pervasive Computing Environments. Proc. Of the IEEE Conference on Pervasive Computing (PERCOM). Presented at the. Texas, USA: IEEE Press. (Original work published 2025)
Reference keyword: mobile shadow
Fischmeister, S. . (2002). Location Context in Mobile and Pervasive Computing Systems: Technologies, Architectures & Implementation. Salzburg. (Original work published 2002)
Fischmeister, S. . (2002). Mobile Software Agents for Location-based Systems. In R. . Kowalczyk, J. . Müller, H. . Tianfield, & R. . Unland (Eds.), Agent Technologies, Infrastructures, Tools, and Applications for E-Services. Springer-Verlag Heidelberg. Retrieved from
Fischmeister, S. ., Menkhaus, G. ., & Pree, W. . (2002). MUSA-Shadow: Concepts, Implementation, and Sample Applications; A Location-Based Service Supporting Multiple Devices. Proc. Of the TOOLS Pacific. Presented at the. Sydney, Australia: Australian Computer Society Press. Retrieved from (Original work published 2025)