Basiri, M. ., Thistle, J. ., Simpson-Porco, J. ., & Fischmeister, S. . (2019). Kalman Filter Based Secure State Estimation and Individual Attacked Sensor Detection in Cyber-Physical Systems. Annual American Control Conference (ACC). Presented at the. Philadelphia, USA.
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Sharma, S. ., Flores, A. ., Moreno, C. ., Hobbs, C. ., Stafford, J. ., Lamichhane, K. ., Khan, W. ., & Fischmeister, S. . (2018). Lessons-learned from Applying STAMP Safety and Security Analysis on AEB for L4 Autonomous Driving. STAMP Workshop. Presented at the.
Kauffman, S. ., Havelund, K. ., Joshi, R. ., & Fischmeister, S. . (2018). Inferring Event Stream Abstractions. Formal Methods in System Design, 29.
Iegorov, O. ., & Fischmeister, S. . (2018). Mining Task Precedence Graphs from Real-Time Embedded System Traces. Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS). Presented at the. Porto, Portugal.
Narayan, A. ., Cutulenco, G. ., Joshi, Y. ., & Fischmeister, S. . (2018). Mining Timed Regular Specifications from System Traces. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 17.
Lamichhane, K. ., Moreno, C. ., & Fischmeister, S. . (2018). Non-Intrusive Program Tracing of Non-Preemptive Multitasking Systems Using Power Consumption. Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition (DATE). Presented at the. Dresden, Germany.
Babaee, R. ., Gurfinkel, A. ., & Fischmeister, S. . (2018). Prevent: a Predictive Run-time Verification Framework Using Statistical Learning. 16th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods. Presented at the. Toulouse, France.
Dunne, M. ., Gracioli, G. ., & Fischmeister, S. . (2018). A Comparison of Data Streaming Frameworks for Anomaly Detection in Embedded Systems. International Workshop on Security and Privacy for the Internet-of-Things (IoTSec). Presented at the. Orlando, USA.
Basiri, M. H., Thistle, J. ., & Fischmeister, S. . (2018). A Framework for Inference and Identification of Hybrid-System Models: Mixed Event-Time-driven Systems (METS). IFAC-PapersOnLine (Proceedings of 18th IFAC Symposium on System Identification), 51, 292-297. Stockholm, Sweden.
Medhat, R. ., Bonakdarpour, B. ., & Fischmeister, S. . (2018). Energy-efficient Multiple Producer-Consumer. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems.