Ironically capitalism hates competition, in markets with high competition almost no-one makes any money (e.g. airlines). Companies need an order of magnitude improvement over the next-best alternative to escape competition. Research is critical to the long-term competitive edge of any corporation, but the ideas need to move beyond curiosities to address the real-world needs, values, and problems of customers. Typically research is seen as either curiosity driven or applied, in this talk we show that it is possible to do research that has both industry impact and academic outcome.
We will discuss how we leverage the external expertise of the academic community to generate new value-hypotheses for SMART in incremental, next-gen, and breakthrough projects of our idea pipeline. Get ready to learn about how past research has found its way into our current products, and learn about new areas under active research.
Dr. Edward Tse is the External Research Program Manager at SMART Technologies. He is responsible for leading research into new value propositions for SMART through incremental, next-gen, and breakthrough projects. He is the primary inventor of the SMART Table (smarttech.com/table), SMART 3D Tools (smarttech.com/mixedreality), and the Proximity Wake feature of on SMART’s integrated flat panels. He holds over 6 Utility and Design Patents, 27 Patent Applications, and serves as the Industry Chair for the Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces conference. His PhD work has been cited in major news outlets (BBC, CNN, National Geographic), and he served as an expert in the art for the Apple vs Samsung patent litigation.