Thursday, February 12, 2015 3:00 pm
3:00 pm
EST (GMT -05:00)
Abstract: Texting while driving is risky but common. This study evaluated how texting using a Head-Mounted Display, Google Glass, impacts driving performance.
Experienced drivers performed a classic car-following task while using three different interfaces to text: fully manual interaction with a head-down smartphone, vocal interaction with a smartphone, and vocal interaction with Google Glass. Fully manual interaction produced worse driving performance than either of the other interaction methods, leading to more lane excursions and variable vehicle control, and higher workload. Compared to texting vocally with the smartphone, texting using Google Glass produced fewer lane excursions, more braking responses and lower workload. All forms of texting impaired driving performance compared to undistracted driving. These results imply that the use of Google Glass for texting impairs driving, but its Head-Mounted Display configuration and speech recognition technology may be safer than texting using a smartphone.
Short Bio: Dr. He has authored 16 journal articles, invented 8 patents and 2 book chapters. I am interested in eye movement and attention, and the application of psychological theories and paradigms in real-world tasks, for example, human computer interaction and driving. My current research projects include 1) detection of driver fatigue and distraction using vehicle dynamics, eye movement, and EEG, 2) performance changes and mechanisms of distracted driving and automation assisted driving, 3) query suggestions and tagging behaviors in web searches. The goal of my research is to understand human cognitive processes and develop technologies to improve performance, increase user experience, and mitigate human error. Dr. Jibo He’s work and research lab have received academic cognition and media attention. More than twenty media have reported Dr. He’s work in driving safety and mobile technology, including Bloomberg News, Kansas City Star, Glass Almanac, New York Public Radio, APA Monitor, Insurance News, KAKE News, Wichita Business Journal, Wichita Eagle, KFDI news etc.