Keynote Speaker

Opening Keynote Presentation

Joyce Kim, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


Joyce Kim is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Waterloo. She holds a BASc from the University of Waterloo, a MASc from Thomas Jefferson University, and a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley.

Dr. Kim is primarily interested in studying human-building interactions and the role of technologies to augment occupant performance and building energy efficiency. Her research leverages IoT and data-driven analytics to predict human comfort and behavior, personalize occupant experience in the built environment and enable intelligent building design and operation. Her research interests also include smart grid technologies and utility cost optimizations.

Presentation Title: "Human-building interaction for intelligent building operations"

Closing Keynote Presentation

Janna Cameron

User Research Manager


From EdTech to HealthTech, Smartphone Research to Online Security, Janna has practiced user experience research across a wide variety of organizational contexts.

A common thread in her career has been helping stakeholders see the potential and power of user research. One of the ways she’s done this is through visual storytelling. By combining an early passion for comic art with her expertise in user research, Jannafound a way to help her stakeholders read and retain her research findings.

Join Janna to learn how you might do this too!

Janna has presented across North America, including at TedX UWaterloo, the inaugural A11YTO conference and Fluxible.

She is the Experience Research Manager at McAfee and a proud University of Waterloo graduate.

Presentation Title: "An industry perspective: Communicating research results with comics"