What's happening in IST

Rebranding SEW and Lynda.com and accolades for the CUCCIO Security SIG

Skills for the Electronic Workplace (SEW) program gets a new name

NewThe SEW brand is being retired and training courses will now fall under the title IT Professional Development (ITPD). ITPD courses will continue to be booked through Workday, but will be referenced by course title instead of course number.

The ITPD program also welcomes two new instructors with revised content for two of our most popular courses.

  • Stephanie Longeway, Manager, Integrated Communications will lead Writing for the Web
  • Tom Graham, Manager, Web Strategy, Marketing and Strategic Initiatives will lead Web Analytics for Marketing and Communications

Beginning this term, course participants will be charged $75 for each missed course unless 72 hours’ notice has been provided. Learn how to register for an ITPD course or drop an ITPD course through Workday.

For more information, contact itpd@uwaterloo.ca

Lynda.com is now LinkedIn Learning

lynda.com is now linkedin learningOn July 29, Lynda.com was upgraded to LinkedIn Learning. If you had a Lynda.com account, you will have received an account activation email from LinkedIn Learning. If you did not have a Lynda.com account but would like to create a LinkedIn Learning account, please use the University of Waterloo LinkedIn Learning account activation link and follow the activation prompts.  

For more information, please see the full upgrade announcement on the IST website.



Prix CUCCIO AwardsThis summer, the Canadian University Council of Chief Information Officers (CUCCIO) awarded the 2019 Collaboration Award to the CUCCIO Security Special Interest Group (SSIG) for its development of a Cyber Incident Response Framework. 

This award recognizes initiatives that promote collaboration within the higher education IT sector. The collaboration can be within institutions, between institutions or between institutions and other stakeholders and can be achieved through the development of new leading practices or service models or through the implementation of common or shared services leading to operational efficiencies or increased effectiveness. Submissions are assessed on the breadth and extent of the collaboration, the tangible, relevant benefits achieved and planned, and the applicability to other Canadian higher education institutions.

Members of the Security SIG, including IST's own director, information security services, Jason Testart, accepted the award on behalf of the group at this year’s award gala held in conjunction with the annual conference (CANHEIT – ARC 2019).  In addition to the award, a donation of $1,000 will be made to a charity of the group's choosing.

Congratulations, Jason, on receiving this award!