
Official ICEFM 2025 banner with a picture of Niagara Falls


The 6th International Conference on Experimental Fluid Mechanics (ICEFM 2025) will take place in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada, May 20-22, 2025.

The International Conference on Experimental Fluid Mechanics (ICEFM) aims to provide an international forum dedicated to sharing latest results on experimental fluid mechanics and state-of-the-art techniques. The previous meetings were held in China (Chengdu, 1991), Italy (Torino, 1994), Russia (Moscow, 1997), China (Beijing, 2014), and Germany (Munich, 2018). After an interruption due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, the long-planned arrival of the conference to North America is taking place in 2025.


Contributions are welcome from all areas of experimental fluid mechanics and thermo-fluids research. Specific topics for contributions include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

  • Flow measurement techniques
  • Aerodynamics
  • Aeroacoustics
  • Flow instabilities
  • Transition
  • Turbulence & turbulent flows
  • Bio-fluid mechanics
  • Combustion & reacting flows
  • Micro- & nano-fluidics
  • Scalar transport & mixing
  • Environmental fluid mechanics
  • Flow control & drag reduction
  • Fluid-structure interaction
  • Icing, de-icing & anti-icing
  • Multiphase flows
  • Convective heat transfer

Plenary speakers

Portrait of Christian Kahler

Christian Kähler (University of Bundeswehr Munich, Germany)

Portrait of Louis Cattafesta

Louis Cattafesta (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA)

Portrait of Karen Mulleners

Karen Mulleners (EPFL, Switzerland)

Portrait of Hyoung Soo

Hyoungsoo Kim (KAIST, South Korea)

Portrait of Marios Kostonis

Marios Kotsonis (TU Delft, Netherlands)

Organizing committee:

Serhiy Yarusevych (Co-chair), University of Waterloo

Chris Morton (Co-chair), McMaster University

Jovan Nedić, McGill University

Sina Ghaemi, University of Alberta

John Kurelek, Queen’s University

Sean Peterson, University of Waterloo

Philippe Lavoie, University of Toronto

Useful links: