Amine Mhedhbi | Computer Science

Photo of Amine MhedhbiYour Netflix suggestions and recommended connections on LinkedIn use graph databases to help make predictions. Computer Science PhD student Amine Mhedhbi's research focuses on understanding and developing new techniques across the graph database stack to improve execution performance of graph analytical workloads.

Mhedbhi leads a research project to develop a new in-memory graph database management system called GraphflowDB. His research focuses on two primary questions - how to perform very fast joins to detect complex patterns in graph-structured data, and how to scale an in-memory graph database system.

Mhedbhi's award-winning research helps to improve the capabilities for very complex queries, such as those that can detect intricate fraud patterns in financial networks. For this research, Mhedbhi was the only recipient from Canada to receive a 2020 Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship. 

Read more about Amine's research.