Weight 16 Starting Cases

In 1974, Larry Carter showed that up to isomorphism there are ten possible cases for the first eight rows of a projective plane of order ten containing a weight 16 codeword.  Carter's decomposition was derived by noting that the incidence matrix of such a plane can be associated with a 3-regular graph on the vertices {1,...,8} (by connecting vertices i and j when rows i and j intersect outside the first 16 columns).  Furthermore, up to isomorphism there are exactly six 3-regular graphs on 8 vertices (PDF).

In 2020, we used MathCheck to verify that none of these cases can be extended to a complete projective plane of order ten.  Furthermore, we generated DRAT certificates proving this through a reduction of the problem to SAT—see our IJCAI 2020 paper for more details.  The following table summarizes the time it took to solve each SAT instance and the size of the certificates after compressed with DRAT-trim:

Case Name Solve Time Proof Size
Case 1a 2.61 hours 20.0 GiB
Case 1b 2.58 hours 25.3 GiB
Case 1c 13.98 hours 177.7 GiB
Case 2 1.82 hours 6.6 GiB
Case 3 1.39 hours 13.3 GiB
Case 4 0.03 hours 0.3 GiB
Case 5 0.42 hours 3.0 GiB
Case 6a 0.53 hours 4.7 GiB
Case 6b 2.21 hours 26.9 GiB
Case 6c 3.26 hours 48.4 GiB

This remainder of this page contains figures showing the starting incidence matrices in each case.  In these figures black squares represent ones, white squares represent zeros, and gray squares represent unknown entries.

Case 1

Carter called this the "tetrahedrons" case.  There are three ways of completing the entries in the first eight rows, resulting in subcases 1a–c.  In cases 1b and 1c the columns of certain submatrices are lexicographically ordered.  This is justified by examining the incidence pattern that must appear in those submatrices and the fact that without loss of generality we can fix an ordering on those columns.

1a starting matrix
1b starting matrix
1c starting matrix

Case 2

Carter called this the "cube" case.  There is a single way of completing the entries in the first eight rows.

2 starting matrix

Case 3

Carter called this the "octagon" case.  There is a single way of completing the entries in the first eight rows.

3 starting matrix

Case 4

Carter called this the "scales" case.  There is a single way of completing the entries in the first eight rows.

4 starting matrix

Case 5

Carter called this the "top" case.  There is a single way of completing the entries in the first eight rows.

5 starting matrix

Case 6

Carter called this the "tent" case.  There are three ways of completing the entries in the first eight rows, resulting in subcases 6a–c.  In cases 6b and 6c the columns of certain submatrices (not necessarily using consecutive rows) are lexicographically ordered.  This is justified by examining the incidence pattern that must appear in those submatrices and the fact that without loss of generality we can fix an ordering on those columns.

6a starting matrix
6b starting matrix
6c starting matrix