The Nexus

At the intersection of four Math buildings, the Nexus will be a space where faculty, staff, and students meet and community is formed 

The Nexus is a lounge area and collision space on the third floor of M4, near to bridges M3 and MC, and outside of two large classrooms. It will be a high-traffic, lively area where students, faculty and staff will frequently cross paths. 

The beautifully designed space was conceived with accessibility foremost in mind and will feature large ramps and numerous places to sit. It will be ideal for quiet, casual conversation and group work, and it will help foster a sense of connection, inclusion and collegiality within the Faculty.

Some of the best and most ground-breaking ideas emerge serendipitously, not from formal meetings but from impromptu encounters or collisions. By creating spaces that encourage interaction and exchange, we will create ideal conditions for innovation to occur.  

A seating area in the new Math 4 building with students sitting and chatting.

Student space is in high demand. Having those places for students to hang out and organically meet and work with each other is really important. I think that's how you keep people invested in mathematics–doing it together. The coolest thing you do in a math degree is figuring things out together and having that aha moment as a group.

Keeley Isinghood, undergraduate student in Biostatistics