We are conducting a research project on how fear of movement, physical activity, and pain are related in people with knee osteoarthritis
Participation will involve:
Completing a few questionnaires on fear of movement, pain intensity, and anxiousness
Measuring your walking speed and knee strength
Measuring the amount of pressure your skin feels just before you notice pain, using a pressure gauge on your skin
Wearing a step count device for 7 days and return it to the lab via a prepaid mailbox.
Inclusion Criteria:
Be over 45 years old, and
Have knee osteoarthritis
Exclusion Criteria
- Rheumatoid arthritis or other forms of arthritis,
- Previous knee surgery in the last year,
- Lower limb trauma in the last 6 months,
- Any other lower extremities conditions
- Possible or actual pregnancy,
- Any unstable or un-monitored medical condition that prevents full participation in the study.
Interested? Want to know more?
Please contact mobilize@uwaterloo.ca OR huaning.liu@uwaterloo.ca OR call: 519-888-4567 ext. 38786
This study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through a University of Waterloo Research Ethics Board (ORE45641)