Symmetry of hip, knee and ankle power in individuals with and without knee pain from osteoarthritis

Sore Knee?

We are conducting a research study exploring how hip, knee and ankle joints work together while bicycling in people with more osteoarthritis pain in one knee than the other.

Participation will involve:

  • 1 visit, 3 hour duration

  • Complete questionnaires and a movement test to measure your health

  • Analyze how your legs move to measure forces in your leg joints during 6 bouts of 3-minute cycling on a stationary bike

  • Use a strength machine to measure your hip and knee muscle strength


Inclusion Criteria:

  • 45 to 75 years of age

  • Have or do not have knee pain from osteoarthritis

  • Cycle 0-8 hours per week

Exclusion Criteria

  • Other form of arthritis

  • Engaged in cycling races within the past year

  • Active non-arthritic knee disease (e.g., gout)

  • Condition that could be exacerbated by exercise

  • Past hip, knee or ankle surgery or joint replacement

  • Weigh more than 250lbs (stationary bike limit)

  • Lower extremity injury within 6 months and actively participating in rehabilitation

  • Hip or ankle conditions (e.g., OA, rheumatoid arthritis)

Interested? Want to know more?

Please contact OR call: 519-888-4567 ext. 38786

This study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through a University of Waterloo Research Ethics Board (ORE45668)