NIBS methods and food cravings

Thursday, March 23, 2017

In a new review article we describe the current state of the research literature involving the application of non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) to the topics of food cravings, consumption and the treatment of disordered eating. The paper will appear in an upcoming special issue of Appetite, co-edited by Dr. Katrijn Houben, Dr. Chantal Nederkoorn and Dr. Suzanne Higgs.

This narrative review describes the most common NIBS methods used in eating research and clinical trials for conditions that involve disordered eating. We discuss the significance of a recent quantitative review revealing more reliable effects of NIBS on food craving than food consumption, and stronger effects for some NIBS methods than others. Several areas of controversy are touched on, including the significance of the stimulation site, dosage levels, and the relative efficacy of different stimulation methods.