Beyond Limits

Infrastructure and Environment

Aspiration: Maintain an environment and culture that empowers faculty, staff, and students to reach their potential and enables the achievement of the mission and vision of the School


Waterloo Pharmacy is housed in a state-of-the-art building with excellent teaching and research space. Over the years, our collaborative culture has led us to tackle challenges head on and develop a reputation for getting things done.

We’ll continue to hire the best and brightest, update our space to support our mission and prioritize the mental and physical wellbeing of our community. Wherever possible, we will employ leading-edge technology to support teaching and research and will work towards identifying and eliminating barriers that prevent us from achieving our goals. 

 access to mental health and student success resources, spaces for social connectivity, supports available to students, faculty, and staff

Together we will work to ensure that the School of Pharmacy provides an equitable learning environment for all and that the efforts of our faculty, staff, students and alumni contribute to positive change in the health and well-being of all members of the communities in which we live and work.     


  • Ensure that the School has an appropriate complement of outstanding faculty and staff to deliver world-class educational programs and conduct impactful research that is nationally and internationally recognized
  • Build a culture at the School that supports wellness and enables faculty, staff and students to flourish 
  • Ensure the School has a sufficient volume of high-quality space to support current and future teaching, learning and research activity 
  • Evaluate the technology available to faculty, staff and students in order to provide state-of-the-art instruction and support, and conduct impactful research
  • Develop and communicate policies, procedures and processes that enable faculty, staff and students to conduct their activities effective, efficiently and safely