Our events

Our community "pies it forward" and more fun

We saw a significant increase in the number of events that were held this year in support of the 2018 campaign. Lots of new volunteers resulted in some very creative events.

Souper Thursday

This year brought the second annual Souper Thursday event on Thursday, October 25. We had a souper turnout bringing in just over $1,500.

This event coincided with Thrive Week’s Walk for Mental Health. It was an excellent opportunity to support both initiatives, learn about what support are available through the United Way, and have lunch served by our ‘Celebrity Chefs’.

The chefs for Souper Tuesday

From left to right: Jason Coolman, Associate Vice-President, Development & Alumni Relations; alumnus and Governor Karen Wilkinson; Roly Webster, Director of Athletics and Recreation, and Kurt MacMillan, the Federation of Students' Vice-President, Operations and Finance. Other celebrity chefs included: Feridun Hamdullahpur, President and Vice-Chancellor, Jim Rush, Professor, Vice President Academic and Provost, Kelly McManus, Senior Director, Community Relations and Events, Norah McCrae, Associate Provost, Cooperative and Experimental Education, Sharon Lamont, Director, Organizational Services, Dana Porter Library, Maureen Jones, Director, Student Awards and Financial Aid,  James Skidmore, Associate Professor, German and Slavic Studies, and Kim Gingerich, Executive Officer, Academic.

Umbrella March

The United Way Waterloo Region and Communities campaign launched on Thursday, September 20 with their March of 1,000 umbrellas. A team of University of Waterloo employees showed their community support and marched 3 km along King Street from Waterloo Town Square to Kitchener City Hall. They showed off their Waterloo umbrellas the whole way.

Two staff members holding their gold and black umbrellas

A large group of staff and students pose with their black and gold umbrellas


President Hamdul-lather’s Natural Handcrafted Soap

President holding one of his soapsYou read that right! The President’s Office launched a line of artisanal soaps in support of the 2018 campaign. Six varieties of soap were handcrafted by the Office of the President, including Sweet Dream, Warrior soap and Wash, Innovate, Repeat.

This event was exceptionally well received across campus and sold out within hours.


Busker Fest

A new initiative was implemented this year during Go Red Day, the official launch of our campaign. Student performers like Lyle Kam and The Little Berlin Band set up across campus and performed throughout the day. The performers added extra enthusiasm across campus during Go Red Day and was a great way to involve our students in the festivities.

Teal Goes Red

The Applied Health Sciences United Way team

The Faculty of Applied Health Sciences holds an annual event in support of the on-campus campaign. It is usually food related; this year they held a pancake breakfast.

From Applied Health Sciences’ Instagram account: #TealGoesRed as #UWaterlooAHS kicks off #UWUnitedWayCampaign with our infamous pancake breakfast! Serving ambitious stomachs and generous wallets for an awesome cause.


Euchre Tourney

The Provost’s Office held a Euchre Tournament on Tuesday, October 23. The first house rule was “Have fun; laughing aloud” but, things did get pretty competitive. The tournament was played out over a lunch hour with snacks and prizes.

Kathy and Kim

Kim Gingerich, Executive Officer, Provost's Office (left) and Wendy Zehr, Special Projects Assistant, Provost's Office (right).

Players at the tournament

Players compete for prizes in the lunch-hour long tournament.


Feridun Hamdullahpur stands next to a full-sized cardboard cut out of himself

Will the real Feridun please stand up? The UWaterloo community could stop by the library on Go Red Day to take a picture with the University's president.