Waterloo Nexus Advisory Group

About this committee

The purpose of the Waterloo Nexus Advisory Group (WNAG) is to facilitate discussion on technical issues related to development and ongoing support of the Waterloo Nexus environment.

Each member is expected to bring to the group issues for discussion and resolution, and to communicate information back to the Waterloo Nexus system administrators within the academic and academic support units they represent. 


Name Faculty/Department Email
Ray White Engineering Computing ray@uwaterloo.ca
Corey Stadnyk Environment cstadnyk@uwaterloo.ca
Dave Hinton Information Systems & Technology (IST) dave.hinton@uwaterloo.ca
Lowell Williamson Chair - Health llwillia@uwaterloo.ca
Nevil Bromley Arts njbromley@uwaterloo.ca
Kate Wood Science kate.wood@uwaterloo.ca
Lisa Tomalty IST ltomalty@uwaterloo.ca
Mike Patterson IST mike.patterson@uwaterloo.ca
Clayton Tucker CSCF ctucker@uwaterloo.ca
Mike Cocker IST mike@uwaterloo.ca
Jim Johnston Math jjohnston@uwaterloo.ca
Nick Springate Library nick.springate@uwaterloo.ca