Web Advisory Committee (WAC) Meeting

Wednesday, May 18, 2011 - Needles Hall (NH) 3001 - 3:00 pm


Lara Babalola, Don Duff-McCracken, Sarah Forgrave, Guillermo Fuentes, Jaymis Goertz, Adam Hewgill, Bob Hicks (Guest), John Kemp, Pat Lafranier, Tammy Marcinko, Paul Miskovsky, Isaac Morland, Liam Morland, Kris Olafson, Kevin Paxman Terry Stewart (Chair), Kelley Teahen, Evan Truong, Chris Francis, Chris Gray, Marlon Griffith, and Wendy Philpott


Marta Bailey, Mary Lynn Benninger, Michelle Douglas-Mills, Eva Grabinski, and Jonathan Woodcock

1. Chair's remarks

Regrets from Mary Lynn Benninger and Kris Olafson

Welcome to Liam Morland who is the Accessibility team lead for the Content Management Systems (CMS) project.

Phased in protocols should be phased in now

A reminder from Terry to disseminate information from WAC meetings to respective units.

Lauren is now full-time on the Waterloo Content Management System (WCMS) project. Bill Baer will be appointing a replacement in the near future.

2. Minutes of April 20, 2011 - approved

3. Web redesign (Sarah Forgrave)

Don Duff-McCracken is working with Communications and Public Affairs (CPA) part time doing design work. CPA, the WCMS and Re-design Team are now meeting weekly. Ongoing migration budget has been approved and two people will be hired as Information Architecture Strategists.
No time lines have been established yet but the team is currently reviewing the best way to approve IA with best practices.

Sarah can assist with bringing these teams to the departments to best determine what will work.

4. Waterloo CMS (Liam Morland)

Faculty pilot was recreated in Drupal 7. Lauren Harrison and Kris Olafson are now full time permanent with Information Systems and Technology (IST) (Math and Computer building (MC) 2037). Target date for launch is September 9.

Kris is organizing an informal meeting with developers to discuss Drupal usage - please spread the word. First meeting will hopefully be in June. Send an email to Kris if you wish to be included on the list. An e-mail will be sent to University of Waterloo Web mailing list. Discussions continue who will be included in the September pilot.

5. Faculty of Science Research Project (Lara Babalola)

Lara demonstrated an open source project for researchers in the Faculty of Science. The project was initiated by Science. The project hopes to address issues, such as: no support for researcher websites; no electronic means for collecting and submitting annual activity report data; and inconsistency in content and appearance of researcher sites (no standard templates). Departments want recent publications on their websites (content sharing and re-use), sharing of code and ideas, people to "illustrate" their ideas and discussion regarding common Web problems.

Websites of interest - http://science-research.uwaterloo.ca/; http://science-research.uwaterloo.ca/john-doe; http://science-research.uwaterloo.ca/bill-doe
Different departments do annual reviews differently - idea is to standardize reviews rather than by department - need faculty buy-in. (Lara's Powerpoint presentation is on the WAC home page.)

6. Guidelines on the re-use of content across websites (Terry Stewart)

This item is based on a request from Web Steering Committee. With the advent of a CMS for campus, there will be much more opportunity for reusing content within and across websites. Within a website, content reuse is generally not an issue because it is within the control of the unit operating the website. However, when content is reused across other websites on campus, problems can arise.
This sub-committee of the Web Advisory Committee is charged with creating guidelines on the reuse of content within and across websites. It will examine the various methods of content reuse (eg, RSS, content blocks in Drupal, cut-and-paste, linking, etc.) and determine when each is appropriate and when they are not recommended. Comments on other tools such as RDF would also be helpful. Where appropriate use cases will be provided.
The guidelines are expected to encompass all major administrative units on campus.

A working group was formed. Volunteers include: Chris Frances, Kelley Teahen, Eva Grabinski, and Lara Babalola (tentative).

7. Web Governance Strategy Committee (Terry Stewart)

No one has come forward to volunteer to chair this committee. If there is not interest, the committee will remove it from discussion.

8. Other business

Navigation Points (Sarah Forgrave). Guidelines are being established for the number of navigation points. Sarah is available for consultation on navigation issues. Janice will circulate a document that Annie Belanger put together for reference. * *

WAC on Twiki. The website will be removed from Twiki and will be a plain webpage for the time being.

Megan McDermott. Megan is no longer with the university. Kevin and Don will be assuming Megan's responsibilities in the short term.

9. Next meeting - Wednesday, June 22 - 3:00 pm in NH 3004

*Meeting adjourned - 4:30 pm*

-- TerryStewart - 01 Jun 2011