Web Advisory Committee meeting (April 16, 2014)

April 16, 2014 –  MC 2018 – 3:00 p.m. (draft)


Terry Stewart (Chair), Darren Bondy (Secretary), Amy Aldous, Daniel Allen, Dave Annable, Herbert Balagtas, Tanya Balian Bedrossian,  Janice Cooke, Michelle Douglas-Mills, Donald Duff-McCracken, Chris Francis, Tasha Glover (guest), Chris Gray (guest), Jason Greatrex (guest), Marlon Griffith, Karen Jack, Jim Johnston, Corrine Kraus (guest), Amy Meredith, Liam Morland, Kris Olafson, Rose Padacz,  Megan Saunders, Susan Shifflett, Andrew Smith, Andrea Sweet, Heather Wey


Marta Bailey, Andrew McAlorum, Collin McIntyre, Victoria Van Cappellen


Nigel Henriques, Tammy Marcinko, Paul Miskovsky, Elizabeth Rogers, Virginia Young

1. University-wide e-commerce system for miscellaneous UW revenue

Corrine Krauss attended the meeting to discuss a project to investigate the potential for a central enterprise-wide e-commerce system for miscellaneous University revenue activities and to solicit feedback from the committee on user considerations. Comments included:

  • Integration with Beanstream

  • Customization

  • Possible integration with the WCMS

  • Timeline

If there are any further questions or suggestions regarding this project, please contact Corrine Krauss

2. Chair’s Remarks (Terry Stewart)


3. Minutes of the February 19, 2014

The minutes of March 19, 2014 were approved. The extra link in the minutes was appreciated by the Chair. 

4. Business Arising

The Chair took WAC’s request for faculty member sites in the WCMS forward to Web Steering. This was the response:

“There are still lots of department and support unit sites left to migrate; there are still some issues to figure out regarding site names/URL’s and there is a fear that it could “open the floodgates” and create a torrent of training and support issues which we are not equipped for at this time.  The answer for now is “No”. 

5. Waterloo CMS Update (Heather Wey/Liam Morland)

Training update (Heather Wey)

  • Coop training for the spring term – can register them now.  Note: co-op training sessions are FULL.
  • Drop-in lab will be closed April 28 – May 12th.  
  • We will have 3 co-ops for the spring term.
  • Accessibility conference is at the U of G. may 27th and 28t; registration is open now.
  • May and June SEW courses will be released soon.

Technical update (Kris Olafson)

  • We are in the middle of the GIT migration, it is moving along well.
    • It will improve our efficiency quite a bit.
    • Pushing on file deletion to make that easier.
    • Timeline: it will go out with our next release.
  • Planning for the responsive web design has begun.
  • File deletion is still in progress; we need to make sure it is secure.
  • Review of the requests that are outstanding; may bring it to this committee.
  • There is a Drupal camp in Toronto first weekend in May.

6. Marketing and Strategic Communications Update (Andrea Sweet)

  • Andrea will schedule a demo of the Digital Asset Management project for an upcoming meeting.
    • Still some work to be done on user privileges and administrative rights.
    • Need to upgrade to an enterprise license.

​7. Other Business

Dave Wallace made an appearance at the meeting to deliver his thanks to Terry Stewart for his work as Chair of this committee for the past five years. 

9. Next M​eeting 

  • 3:00-4:30p.m., May 21, 2014. MC 2018 a/b

10. Meeting Adjourned at 4:15 p.m.