Web Advisory Committee meeting (May 21, 2014) - draft

Web Advisory Committee 

3:00p.m., May 21, 2014. MC 2018 a/b


Donald Duff-McCracken (Chair), Darren Bondy (Secretary), Daniel Allen, Herbert Balagtas, Tanya Balian Bedrossian,  Lisa Breckinridge, Kirsty Budd, Janice Cooke, Jude Doble (guest),Michelle Douglas-Mills, Chris Francis, Marlon Griffith, Karen Jack, Jim Johnston, Collin McIntyre,  Amy Meredith, Liam Morland, Kris Olafson, Rose Padacz,  Megan Saunders, Susan Shifflett, Terry Stewart, Andrea Sweet, Victoria Van Cappellen, Heather Wey


Marta Bailey, Andrew McAlorum, Amy Aldous, Dave Annable, Cynthia Breen, Nigel Henriques, Tammy Marcinko, Paul Miskovsky, Elizabeth Rogers

1. Student Portal project (Jude Doble)

Jude Doble attended the meeting to present an update on the Student Portal Project. Discussion included:

  • The Portal is based on widgets; widget visibility is completely customizable so students will only see information relevant to them.
    • Eventually student developers will be able to create widgets themselves that can be used in the Portal.
  • Over time the plan is to have targeted notifications within the Portal and integrate with News and Events in the WCMS to reduce the amount emails that go out to students.
  • This project is being managed by the Student Success Office and is working in collaboration with IST.
  • The Portal is part of the larger communication strategy for students; ties in with the Vibrant Student Experience Strategic Planning theme.
  • Where we are headed:
    • Rolling out to all students in Environment next month; first beta testing group.
    • Will be in full production in September and will begin to roll in additional faculties afterwards.
    • Continuing work on new widgets; Services, Opportunities, Awards, Clubs and Societies, LEARN etc.

2. Chair’s Remarks (Don Duff McCracken)

The Chair thanked everyone for attending and is excited to continue the great work being done by this group.

3. Approval of minutes of April 16, 2014.

The minutes of March April 16, 2014 were approved as distributed.

4. Business Arising


5. Digital Asset Management Demo (Andrea Sweet)

Andrea Sweet presented on, and provided a demo on digital asset management. Topics included:

  • Background
  • Process/status
  • Installation details
  • Key features
  • Limitations

Andrea's powerpoint presentation on Digital Asset Management is available for your viewing.

6. Waterloo CMS Update (Heather Wey/Kris Olafson)

Training update (Heather Wey)

  • The schedule for the Skills for the Electronic Workplace (SEW) courses for May and June is out.
  • Joe Kwan is teaching a new course on “Understanding Information Architecture”
  • The WCMS course for site managers has been redone and is hands-on now; has been getting positive reviews so far.
  • Liam Morland and Heather Wey will be attending the Accessibility conference next week in Guelph.

CMS update (Kris Olafson)

  • Work completed but not deployed yet:
    • Created Employer role on WCMS sites
    • Working on a pilot site with authenticated comments on blogs.
      • Further testing will be done before this is launched.
    • api.uwaterloo.ca is available for all to use; if anyone is doing application development this is a good data source to use.
    • GIT migration is almost complete.
    • Serial numbers have been added to web forms.
    • File deletion is now working on development servers - the fix has yet to be deployed to production servers.
    • Content type changes are ongoing.
    • Looking at deleting draft content on WCMS.

7. Other Business

At the June meeting we will discuss the summer meeting schedule and see what holiday schedules are like.

8. Meeting Adjourned at 4:10 p.m.