Web Advisory Committee Minutes - April 10, 2008

April 10, 2008


Allan Bell, Mary Lynn Benninger, David Bean, Sarah Forgrave, Guillermo Fuentes, Eva Grabinski, Marlon Griffith, Karen Jack, Mary Jane Jennings, Pat Lafranier, Tammy Marcinko, Megan McDermott, Isaac Morland, Kevin Paxman, Penny Pudifin, Gary Ridley, Kelley Teahen, Andrew Smith, Paul Snyder (chair), Terry Stewart, Sean Van Koughnett, ,


Michelle Douglas-Mills, Toby Day-Hamilton, Donald Duff-McCracken, Geoff McBoyle, Jaymis Goertz, Brenda MacDonald, Cu Truong

1. Opening remarks

* Approval of the agenda

* Approval of the minutes of our meeting held March 6th

* Welcome to new members: David Bean, D&CE and Tobi Day-Hamilton, Arts.

* Information Items * [[http://www.case.org/onlinespeaker/OSS_April_24_08/default.cfm][Building Web Sites with High-Impact]]; lots of interest in subscribing to this event.

2. Does Waterloo need to maintain a presence at iTunes U?

Question and discussion, Andrea Chappell. * An email was sent to the committee on April 9 from Andrea with more information * iTunes U is an online site for universities to make files available for download * University of Waterloo has been running a pilot to test iTunes U * If it goes forward – who would take responsibility? Comments: * iTunes U is a familiar tool that many students already use * it offers a subscription service (download feed) * how are other universities using the service? * Communications and Public Affairs (CPA) could be open to taking responsibility for this service, Kelly would like to see some of our ‘star’ professors offer videos of general interest lectures. * Note that service is only available for Windows and Mac. * Would students use it? * Would be useful for promotional material (prospective students in particular). * Is this the appropriate format or would another media service be better. * Kelly will investigate further.

3. Privacy statement

With the increasing use of Google Analytics, do we need a [[https://strobe.uwaterloo.ca/~twiki/bin/view/WebAdvisory/PrivacyStatement?template=viewprint][privacy statement]]? Karen Jack. * Agreement that, yes, we should have a statement. * Please email Karen with any wording suggestions. * The privacy statement would be added as a link in the footer of the University of Waterloo home page and any page that collected this data.

4. Update on the activities of the University of Waterloo identity task force (Kelly/Allan).

* This committee has met twice and will have their 3rd meeting on Friday, April 11. * There is good representation from across campus. * An outside facilitator has been hired from OVE Communications. * They will consider the results of the University of Warerloo reputation survey.

5. Update on Content Management Systems investigation project

  • Discussions leading to the [[CmsCharterV2][charter]] - Paul. * University Committee on Information Systems and Technology (UCIST) asked that a charter be drawn up. * The project committee brought the charter to UCIST who approved it. * Their purpose will be to with recommend whether or not to proceed with obtaining a campus Content Management System (CMS). * They hope to have a recommendation by the end of the summer.
  • [[CmsUpdate20080410][Update]] on committee activities - Eva * The committee will meet weekly and provide future updates to the Web Advisory Committee

6. Tackling the recommendations of the subgroups

[[https://strobe.uwaterloo.ca/~twiki/bin/view/WebAdvisory/ClfRecommendations?template=viewprint][CLF definition]] * Webops will proceed with implementation of recommendations

[[https://strobe.uwaterloo.ca/~twiki/bin/view/WebAdvisory/ClfNavRecommendations?template=viewprint][Navigation]] * There are search issues (different versions, inability to search multiple domains) * Send issues and suggestions to Meagan. * A sub-group will be formed with an invitation to Chris Redmond.

[[https://strobe.uwaterloo.ca/~twiki/bin/view/WebAdvisory/AudienceResearchRecommendations?template=viewprint][Audience Research]] * deferred to next meeting

[[https://strobe.uwaterloo.ca/~twiki/bin/view/WebAdvisory/ContentManagementRecommendations?template=viewprint][Content Management]] * deferred to next meeting

---P. Snyder