OAI Director Co-authors Chapter in Handbook of Academic Integrity

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Amanda McKenzie, Director, Office of Academic Integrity, University of Waterloo, recently co-authored a chapter published in the Handbook of Academic Integrity.


In this chapter the development of academic integrity leadership in Canada is examined through the lenses of asset-based community development and strengths-based leadership. Examples are provided from international, national, and regional perspectives that highlight how the work of promoting academic integrity can be undertaken successfully in a geographically large country with a decentralized system of higher education. A core argument of this chapter is that a strengths-based approach to academic integrity community development and leadership can be effective in situations where top-down support (e.g., federal ministry of education or a national quality assurance body) is lacking.

Eaton, S. E., Stoesz, B. M., & McKenzie, A. (2023). Academic integrity leadership and community building in Canadian higher education. S. E. Eaton (Ed.), Handbook of Academic Integrity (2nd. ed., pp. 1-21). Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-287-079-7_171-1
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