How to Say No to Classmates & Friends

If your classmates or friends are asking you to engage in academic misconduct - it is important to have the courage to say no

Committing an academic offence, or assisting someone in committing an academic offence, can have a direct impact on your grades, your degree, and your future. Read below for some responses you can use if a friend or classmate approaches you. 

If an academic offence has occurred, under Policy 71 you must report the misconduct to the course instructor and/or the Associate Dean of the Faculty. Although you may be reluctant to report your friend or classmate, identifying academic misconduct helps create a level playing field for everyone and a upholds a culture of integrity. Moreover, it ensures the quality and credibility of a degree from the University of Waterloo.

Here are some tips to report misconduct:

  • Do not investigate the misconduct on your own
  • If you have been made aware that another student has committed an academic offence, e-mail the instructor and/or the Associate Dean of your Faculty your concern and any evidence that you have
  • If are uncomfortable alerting the instructor and/or the Associate Dean of your Faculty, e-mail the Office of Academic Integrity - we'd be happy to alert the relevant parties on your behalf