Strengthening overseas co-op connections

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Drew Knight presenting HZ University with Co-operative Education & Career Action’s Certificate of Appreciation

Johannetta van der Vlies, International Relations Coordinator, HZ University of Applied Sciences; Carla Pesch, Coordinator, Building with Nature, Delta Academy, HZ University of Applied Sciences; Hans Cappon, Researcher, Water Technology, Delta Academy, HZ University of Applied Sciences; Drew Knight, Director, Global Research and Strategic Alliances, Waterloo International/Office of Research; Jouke Heringa, Coordinator, Aquaculture Research and Training, Delta Academy, HZ University of Applied Sciences; Peter J van Zunderd, Lecturer, Resilient Deltas, Delta Academy, HZ University of Applied Sciences.

by Jessica Barch.

Did you know more than 2,300 Waterloo co-op students complete international work terms each year? This wouldn’t be possible without the strong partnerships the University has with international employers. One of those employers is HZ University, based in the Netherlands.

Recently, Drew Knight, director of global research and strategic alliances in the Office of Research presented HZ University with Co-operative Education's (CE) Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of the high number of Waterloo co-op students they employ. HZ currently employs more Waterloo co-op students than any other organization in the Netherlands, and has a reputation for hiring many first work term and research co-op students.

HZ offers students the opportunity to gain valuable hands-on-experience in their field of study. They hire from a diverse range of programs, including Environment and Resource Studies, Geography and Environmental Management, and Chemical Engineering. These students have the opportunity to work in fields such as Aquaculture Research and Training, Water Technology, and Resilient Deltas. 

Student Emily Shields stands near the shoreline.Emily Shields, a 3A Geography and Environmental Management student, had the opportunity to work for HZ during the Fall 2015 term as an Aquaculture Research Assistant.

“The work experience I gained from my co-op term was very valuable,” said Emily. “I completed laboratory experiments that allowed me to develop skills that I do not typically acquire during my coursework. For example, I conducted an experiment with the Aquaculture research group concerning the overwintering of seaweed. This information was requested by a company that aims to cultivate the seaweed inland, in tanks.”

On top of the great learning experience, Emily also made the most of the travel opportunities that came with an international work term.

“The Netherlands was a great place to work,” she explained. “I was exposed to Dutch and picked up some basic phrases, most people also spoke very good English, so it was easy to communicate, especially when travelling and navigating. The country’s small size made it so easy to travel around.”

Thank you HZ University and other employers around the world who recruit talent from, and have strong relationships with the University of Waterloo!

Visit the Co-op website to learn more about international work terms.

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