News archive - December 2020

Monday, December 21, 2020

Copyright implications for teaching with audio-visual materials online

As teaching has shifted online, we’ve been paying close attention to how to provide copyright compliant access to course materials in remote teaching environments. At the end of the Winter 2020 term the Copyright for teaching online guide was created. At that time, we lacked clarity on how the Copyright Act could support instructors to make use of audio-visual (AV) materials in online classrooms.

What we learned 

Monday, December 14, 2020

Copyright notice: A new reminder in LEARN

As we all prepare for Winter term 2021, this message focuses on copyright management for content uploaded to the LEARN learning management system by faculty and instructors.  The Provost, in his message of July 27, 2020, highlighted the University’s ongoing efforts to make available copyright resources and supports for students, faculty, and staff.  Beginning in December, new messaging and a pop-up notice regarding copyright will appear in LEARN.  This pop-up informs you of t