An emerging talent in planning, design and community engagement

Monday, August 16, 2021

Yasmin Afshar (BES' 18) is a driven and passionate community builder at the intersection of public policy, urban design and community engagement.

With a bachelor's degree in planning from the University of Waterloo, Yasmin’s specializations in urban design and land development have led her to advocate for equitable growth and revitalization, storytelling, and archival research throughout her work. She continues to explore how our communities can be strengthened through context-driven, collaborative design and policy processes rooted in lived experiences to improve an individual's experience within both a local and global context. Currently pursuing a Master of Fine Arts from the University of King's College, she is looking at just that as it relates to loneliness in our communities.

Between her time as a Planner / Urban Designer at WSP, and now an Associate, Planner at Urban Strategies, Yasmin has already contributed to over 30 studies and initiatives for various public and private sector clients over the past 5 years. She currently manages multi-disciplinary teams focused on equitable revitalization, transit-oriented development, and community-centered and inclusive planning and design processes. She is also the Equity and Inclusion Committee co-chair, leading design and executing an equity strategy for the company. 

Recognized as an emerging leader in planning, design and engagement, Yasmin has made a significant impact both in Toronto and internationally. Having just completed a master plan for Pinewood Toronto Film Studios, she is now preparing the studio's sustainability framework. She also recently completed the neighbourhood framework plan for equitable reinvestment and stabilization for communities in east Detroit, Michigan, which was awarded the Outstanding Economic Development and Planning project by the Michigan American Planning Association.

Yasmin's commitment to social justice and her profession's advancement is evident in how she spends her free time. Recently, through her writing, she raised money for the Encampment Support Network and Toronto Tiny Shelters as the city faces the worst housing and homelessness crisis in recent history. Yasmin is also an active member of the University of Waterloo Planning Alumni of Toronto Committee, and volunteers her time supporting and offering advice to up-and-coming planners looking to enter the city-building field.