Work those muscles!


A strong core is more than a six pack! In this lab, students will learn about force generation, fatigue, and how integral the core is to everyday life. Students will practice fundamental core exercises and then challenge themselves in a test of endurance! 


All you will need for this lab is:

  • Personal Computer (PC) or laptop
  • A mat or carpet to do planks and core work on
  • Stopwatch
  • Recording sheets (provided)
  • Pens or pencils


This page provides all the files needed to run the Work those Muscles! Kinesiology Lab Days workshop in your classroom.

We estimate it will take 30-45 minutes to prepare for this lab presentation, and the workshop itself takes around one hour to complete.

The Facilitator Instructions provide guidelines on how to prepare for and deliver the presentation depending on your classroom’s current circumstances; please feel free to adapt the workshop to your class’ particular needs.

Main documents

Additional documents

Kinesiology overview

Please share this introductory video with your students prior to delivering the lab.

Have questions?

If you have any questions or need help, please email We'll reply as soon as possible.

Remote video URL