Nandita Basu gives Distinguished Lecture

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Nandita Basu was invited to speak as part of the Distinguished Lecture Series hosted by the University of Saskatchewan Global Institute for Water Security and Global Water Futures.

Nandita’s lecture “Protecting our Waters: Managing Nutrient Legacies to Accelerate Water Quality Improvement” highlighted her work on water quality across scales spatial and temporal scales. She spoke about model development, and long-term trajectories of nitrogen and phosphorus in various watersheds around the world. Quantifying lag times of nutrients is important for adjusting expectations for improvements, and setting water quality targets. She concluded her talk by highlighting solutions to water quality concerns, including nutrient management to reduce N and P surpluses, spatially and temporally targeted conservation measures, and the role small wetlands and reservoirs can play in managing nutrients at the landscape scale.

The Distinguished Lecture Series is in its 7th year, and Nandita is one of only 6 Canadian-based researchers invited to give a lecture as part of this series. The entire lecture is available to watch online.

Distinguished Lecture Poster