January/February 2016 D2L Update

What's New?

D2L has updated their list of supported web browsers. Both Safari and Edge are now supported and should pass using the Check My System widget on the LEARN System Home Page.

New 'Not' Operator Condition Types have been added to Release Conditions. Some examples include: Not visited content topic, No submission to dropbox, and No completed quiz attempt.


The Special Access bug has been fixed! This bug affected instructors when they were setting up Special Access and displayed the time in the UTC time zone. Students weren't affected by the display settings. This shouldn't be an issue anymore and the Special Access should display as expected.

Clicking on 'Next Student' within the Dropbox Submission view used to bring you to a random student rather then the next student in the list. This has been resolved and the 'Next Student' button will take you to the next student in the list.

The Copy tool has been turned back on! After some issues with the Copy tool at the beginning of the Winter term, we turned the tool off. Everything seems to be resolved and the tool has been turned back on. Let us know if you have any issues with it in future.

Known Issues:

Exporting Quiz images doesn't work as expected. When images are included in Quiz questions and/or answers, and are exported from the Question Library, the images are missing. A work-around is to Copy the Quiz questions to another course shell, rather than using the Export/Import functionality.