MME Alumni Features

The Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering is continuously updating the Alumni Profiles webpage to showcase where UWaterloo MME graduates presently are in their careers. These profiles feature the accomplishments of recognized former students and present faculty, alumni companies, as well as outstanding graduates who now hold highly respected positions at well known companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Google, General Motors, Johnson & Johnson, and the list goes on...

Please take a moment to fill out the following form if you would like to be featured on the Alumni Profiles webpage.

Undergraduate program
Please enter any graduate degrees obtained, if applicable.
Please describe your current position, what your job entails, and the organization that you work for (optional*).
Please enter any professional website that you are associated with (i.e., LinkedIn, Facebook, etc).
Please upload a photo of yourself if you would like it to be displayed on your alumnus profile.
One file only.
3 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png.