WATERLOO, Ont. (Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2010) - The founder of DALSA Corp., an international leader in high performance digital imaging and semiconductors, has donated $3 million to the faculty of engineering's Vision 2010 Campaign at the University of Waterloo.

In recognition of the gift from the family of Savvas Chamberlain, the electrical and computer engineering wing in the new Engineering 5 building will be named the Savvas Chamberlain Family Floor. The donation will support the faculty of engineering's infrastructure program as well as provide scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students.

A ceremony to announce the Chamberlain family's gift will be held today at 4:30 p.m. in the foyer of the Centre for Environmental and Information Technology.

Chamberlain, a former University of Waterloo electrical and computer engineering professor, is widely respected as a scientist, academic, inventor and entrepreneur.

“Savvas Chamberlain's early and pioneering work helped put Waterloo on the international map of microelectronics research," said Adel Sedra, dean of engineering. "Savvas has given a lot of his time over the last few years to ensure that the department of electrical and computer engineering continues to thrive and be among the best in the world. Now, Savvas and his family are continuing in this generous vein by making a substantial gift to the department."

Chamberlain founded DALSA, a University of Waterloo spin-off, in 1980, based on extensive research in CCD (charge coupled device) technology and MOSFET (metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors) image sensors. He is currently chairman of the company's board.

A University of Waterloo distinguished professor emeritus, Chamberlain also received a honorary doctor of engineering degree from Waterloo in 2007. In 2004, he received the life achievement award from the Automated Imaging Association for his world leadership and contributions to the imaging field. As well, he was named a member of the Order of Canada in July 2009. In 2010, he was made a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.

Under Chamberlain's leadership, DALSA has grown worldwide from few employees to more than 1,000 employees worldwide. As chief executive officer, he was responsible for corporate strategy, strategic technology direction and long-term planning, as well as setting the direction of the company’s culture.

Chamberlain, who holds 20 patents, has written more than 150 papers for refereed scientific journals and conference proceedings. He has contributed original research to textbooks on fundamental theory in his field.

He was also a key figure in putting Waterloo's electrical and computer engineering department and the faculty of engineering on the international map.

Chamberlain continues to spearhead the faculty of engineering’s faculty, staff and retirees campaign as a dedicated co-chair and volunteer. He sits on the faculty’s dean's advisory council and is the incoming chair of the dean's development council. The development council oversees the Vision 2010 Campaign, which so far has raised $75 million of its $120-million target.

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