
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Webster, B. , & Yakimov, M. . (2007). A Deodhar-type stratification on the double flag variety. Transform. Groups, 12, 769–785. doi:10.1007/s00031-007-0061-8
Webster, B. . (2008). Cramped subgroups and generalized Harish-Chandra modules. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 136, 3809–3814. doi:10.1090/S0002-9939-08-09421-5
Webster, B. , & Williamson, G. . (2008). A geometric model for Hochschild homology of Soergel bimodules. Geom. Topol., 12, 1243–1263. doi:10.2140/gt.2008.12.1243
Braden, T. , Licata, A. , Proudfoot, N. , & Webster, B. . (2010). Gale duality and Koszul duality. Adv. Math., 225, 2002–2049. doi:10.1016/j.aim.2010.04.011
Webster, B. , & Williamson, G. . (2011). The geometry of Markov traces. Duke Math. J., 160, 401–419. doi:10.1215/00127094-1444268
Braden, T. , Licata, A. , Phan, C. , Proudfoot, N. , & Webster, B. . (2011). Localization algebras and deformations of Koszul algebras. Selecta Math. (N.S.), 17, 533–572. doi:10.1007/s00029-011-0058-y
Webster, B. . (2011). Singular blocks of parabolic category $\scr O$ and finite W-algebras. J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 215, 2797–2804. doi:10.1016/j.jpaa.2011.03.020
Stroppel, C. , & Webster, B. . (2012). 2-block Springer fibers: convolution algebras and coherent sheaves. Comment. Math. Helv., 87, 477–520. doi:10.4171/CMH/261
Braden, T. , Licata, A. , Proudfoot, N. , & Webster, B. . (2012). Hypertoric category $\scrO$. Adv. Math., 231, 1487–1545. doi:10.1016/j.aim.2012.06.019
Reshetikhin, N. , Stroppel, C. , & Webster, B. . (2012). Schur-Weyl-type duality for quantized $\germgl(1|1)$, the Burau representation of braid groups, and invariants of tangled graphs. In Perspectives in analysis, geometry, and topology (Vol. 296, pp. 389–401). Birkhäuser/Springer, New York.
Webster, B. . (2012). An introduction to categorifying quantum knot invariants. In Proceedings of the Freedman Fest (Vol. 18, pp. 253–289). Geom. Topol. Publ., Coventry. doi:10.2140/gtm.2012.18.253
Kamnitzer, J. , Webster, B. , Weekes, A. , & Yacobi, O. . (2014). Yangians and quantizations of slices in the affine Grassmannian. Algebra Number Theory, 8, 857–893. doi:10.2140/ant.2014.8.857
Webster, B. . (2015). Canonical bases and higher representation theory. Compos. Math., 151, 121–166. doi:10.1112/S0010437X1400760X
Losev, I. , & Webster, B. . (2015). On uniqueness of tensor products of irreducible categorifications. Selecta Math. (N.S.), 21, 345–377. doi:10.1007/s00029-014-0172-8
Beliakova, A. , Habiro, K. , Lauda, A. D. , & Webster, B. . (2016). Cyclicity for categorified quantum groups. J. Algebra, 452, 118–132. doi:10.1016/j.jalgebra.2015.11.041
Tingley, P. , & Webster, B. . (2016). Mirković-Vilonen polytopes and Khovanov-Lauda-Rouquier algebras. Compos. Math., 152, 1648–1696. doi:10.1112/S0010437X16007338
Braden, T. , Licata, A. , Proudfoot, N. , & Webster, B. . (2016). Quantizations of conical symplectic resolutions. Astérisque, iii–iv.
Braden, T. , Proudfoot, N. , & Webster, B. . (2016). Quantizations of conical symplectic resolutions I: local and global structure. Astérisque, 1–73.
Braden, T. , Licata, A. , Proudfoot, N. , & Webster, B. . (2016). Quantizations of conical symplectic resolutions II: category $\Cal O$ and symplectic duality. Astérisque, 75–179.
Webster, B. . (2016). Tensor product algebras, Grassmannians and Khovanov homology. In Physics and mathematics of link homology (Vol. 680, pp. 23–58). Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI.
