
Section F

graphical depiction the status of progress for education, it is somewhat completeMYAP:

  1. Waterloo will strive to incorporate universal design principles within teaching spaces and related protocols.

F1. Universal Design in Teaching spaces

Progress symbol for started

Status: startedInterior of Science Teaching Complex (STC)
Progress: behind schedule

Late 2019, the Space Planning office engaged with a third-party provider to develop 3D models of campus spaces, cataloguing and marking all space elements. The intent is to provide a real-life depiction of our campus space to assist with planning of our campus activities, including data collection of assets and tools within each classroom for scheduling, identifying facility deficiencies, and available technology, etc. This information will help formulate what a classroom design standard should look like, meeting the various needs of instructional space. Accessibility considerations continue to be an integrated part of this process.

However, since March 2020, Waterloo expended significant time and resource to pivot majority of our teaching and learning activities online in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This required many stakeholders involved to shift focus away from physical teaching spaces to online teaching spaces for much of the year. Waterloo will continue to build on this infrastructure when the timing is right.