Federation Hall
All conference activities will be held in Federation Hall, University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1, Canada. It is located on the main campus of the University of Waterloo, near the Columbia Street West entrance to campus. Here is the weblink to the campus map: https://uwaterloo.ca/map/
The Federation Hall is labeled as “FED” on the map.
Visitor Parking
The parking lots recommended by Parking Services are:
Lot M--pay and display; $6.00 per day, paid by coin (exact change) or credit card.
Lot N--pay and display; $5.00 per day, paid by coin (exact change) or credit card.
The above two lots are located south of Columbia Street (see campus map).
Lot X--pay and display; $5.00 per day, paid by coin (exact change) or credit card; free on weekends.
This lot is located north of Columbia Street.
Lot R is permit parking for faculty and staff during the day. The lot is open to the public after 4 pm, $5.00 with coin entry. On Saturday, December 2, Lot R is reserved for another function so it's not available for this event
The university will have regular classes during the first day (December 1) of the conference, and Lots M and N can quickly become full after 8:30 pm. Please park your vehicle in Lot X (on north of Columbia Street) or Lots J, S and V (on west of the conference venue) in case both Lots M and N are full.