Adding Data Analytics to Warehouse Logistics

Industry partner: Dematic Ltd.

Funding agency: Ontario Centres of Excellence, Inc. (OCE)Project description:

Warehouse management is an integral part of any supply chain. It concerns the movement and storage of materials in a warehouse or distribution center including receiving, putaway, replenishment, picking, and shipping. While warehouse management is a well studied area of supply chain management, significant opportunities for improvement are within reach as huge amounts of data on day-to-day operations become available on equipment and labor utilization, Warehouse management has an increased focus with the growth of ecommerce and consumer expectations for fast delivery. The industry is now moving to adopt lean principles from the manufacturing industry. The Internet of Things (IOT) opens up new opportunities for innovation. The goal of the project is to develop advanced analytics techniques to explore and synthesize available data, derive information, and use information to predict trends and prescribe improved warehouse operations.