The Faculty of Arts hosts numerous alumni and public events, including Reunion, expert panels, student-alumni speed networking, performances and exhibitions to engage a range of interests. Find out what's happening any time of the year by visiting our Events page and following us on Twitter @uwaterlooARTS.
Highlights from past events
Sun Life event

Artificial Intelligence and Ethics Panel Discussions

The University hosted two alumni events addressing the timely topic of AI and ethics. PointClickCare, Mississauga, hosted alumni on April 26 and Klite, San Francisco, hosted alumni on June 21.
San Francisco Panel: Kate Larson (Professor at the Cheriton School of Computer Science), Ruxandra Badea (BA '17 Psychology), Joseph Fung (BASc '07, Computer Engineering), Cipriano Santos (MASC '84 and PhD '89 Mgmt. Sciences). Not shown, Austin Tripp (current Engineering student).
Alumni enjoy a game of pool before the AI and Ethics panel begins.
- Prof. Maura Grossman, eDiscovery and Legal Technology, David Cheriton School of Computer Science
- Leah Govia, MA Candidate, Anthropology, Ethics of Technology Design
- Sheldon Fernandez, CEO of DarwinAI
- Moderated by Prof. Kate Larson, Self-Interested Multi-agent Systems, David Cheriton School of Computer Science
Arts Convocation

A group of the newest Arts alumni, who graduated on Jun 13. Welcome to the Club!
When you don't have a cap to toss, you have to improvise! (Why didn't we think of this sooner?)
And say good bye to those aging gold curtains! This year, convocation got a makeover. What do you think?
Arts Grad Class Send Off

In celebration of the Class of 2018, the Faculty hosted a party for graduating students on March 13 at Fed Hall. Faculty, staff and friends joined with students to celebrate this momentous milestone. Students were provided with valuable information about the graduation process and tools and services available to them as an alumnus.
That’s ASU Past President Jessica Smith (Legal Studies, in progress) front centre, and Peter Wong (BA’18, Political Science) top right.
Calgary Alumni Association meet up
Members of the Calgary Alumni Associate met for snacks and networking on July 19 at a Thirsty Third Thursday event at Bottlescrew Bill’s Pub in Calgary Among the attendees: Hyder Hassan (BA ’12, Liberal Studies) (back left) the 2017 Arts Young Alumni Award recipient.
Alumni Family Fun Day at the ROM
Activiites at this year’s Alumni Family Fun Day, held at the Royal Ontario Museum on July 28, included a #GooseChase scavenger hunt, offering a fun way to explore art and history.
Upcoming events
The Battle of Waterloo
The occupants of University Avenue have upped the ante with a Battle of Waterloo series meaning every game involving a team sport (baseball, basketball, football, hockey, soccer) between the two combatants will count. In the event of a tie, the winner of this final game will capture the Battle of Waterloo trophy. Cheer on the Waterloo Warriors football team at WLU University Stadium on September 15, 2018.
Reunion Weekend
Gather your friends and join us for this year's Reunion on September 22, 2018! Come back to campus to REVISIT, REUNITE, and RELIVE your fondest memories and make new ones.
Grimm Lecture: When would Capitalism end?
In honour of Karl Marx's 200th birthday, join distinguished Professor Gareth Stedman Jones for When would Capitalism end? Marx's changing conception of the 'Critique of Political Economy'. Join us September 20, 2018.
Economics Distinguished Lecture
Each year the Department of Economics invites a distinguished scholar to present a lecture on the state of the art in a field of economic research, giving students from various disciplines a special opportunity to enhance their understanding of economics. The University community and members of the public are warmly invited to attend the lectures — and encouraged to engage with the topic of discussion. This year’s lecture is on September 26, 2018.
Indigenous Speakers Series: Lee Maracle with Bill Coleman
The Indigenous Speakers Series presents renowned author and teacher Lee Maracle, who will be joined by choreographer Bill Coleman for an integrated lecture/dance performance. Mark your calendars for October 3, 2018.
Blockchain technology Panel Discussion
How will the Blockchain technology affect our everyday lives? Hear a panel of experts discuss the implications of Blockchain technology to policy, economics and individuals. Blockchain is the technology that powers Bitcoin, but it is so much more. Much like the internet, it is set to become a part of our everyday lives. Learn more on October 4, 2018 at IBM Markham.
Terry Fox Run
Join the Waterloo New York Area Alumni Chapter running, jogging and walking at the Terry Fox Run in Central Park on Oct 13, 2018.
This annual tradition is a great way to get out and enjoy a fall day in Central Park.
Theatre Night
Join us for the annual Arts alumni opening night student performance of TomorrowLove on Nov 13, 2018, 7:00pm in Modern Languages, University of Waterloo.
The play is about love set in many different versions of the very-near future, where one piece of amazing technology activates change, for good or not, in relationships.
Look for your invitation to register soon.
And into 2019, look for invitations to Alumni Weekend on June 1, 2019 and Alumni Black and Gold Day in September.
Top photo: the San Francisco skyline at sunset.