Whether you live in Waterloo Region or across the globe, there are lots of ways to stay connected and get involved with your Faculty of Arts.
Speak to our students at a career event
Share your expertise with our students at events such as speed networking sessions, career panels and Alumni in the Hub, contact Phoebe Wong at phoebe.wong@uwaterloo.ca.
Mentor students and new alumni
Join the UWaterloo Arts Cafe on Ten Thousand Coffees to share your career expertise – in person or online – with current students and new grads.
Visit our website for news and events
Find out what's happening in Arts and join us for guest lectures and other events.
Hire a UWaterloo co-op student or graduate
Arts students have a wealth of skills and experiences to bring to your organization.
Contact us
We welcome the opportunity to speak with you, to learn about your experiences while studying at UWaterloo and your path since graduation. Discuss how you might engage with the Faculty today. Please contact Phoebe Wong, Senior Alumni Engagement Officer, at phoebe.wong@uwaterloo.ca.