Department of Chemistry
200 University Ave. W
Waterloo, Ontario,
Canada N2L 3G1
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This is a favourite of the students
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Those of you of a certain age will remember “Fernando’s Hideaway”, a “bit” that Billy Crystal did on Saturday Night Live. His celebrity interviews always included something like this: “It doesn’t matter how you feel… it’s how you look. And baby… you look marvellous”.
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Find the related message by solving for a pair of words that each match the definition below. The second word is identical to the first word, with one letter deleted. The deleted letter then is placed in the appropriate position to form the message. [For example, if the clue was “a substance that neutralizes a base and has an irritating and unpleasant taste or odor,” the answer might be ACRID ACID and the resulting letter would be R.
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I tell students on the first day in my undergraduate chemistry class — think about the chemistry, not the math. Almost every chemistry calculation problem can be deconstructed into a math word problem.
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