Department of Chemistry
200 University Ave. W
Waterloo, Ontario,
Canada N2L 3G1
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This article focuses on a couple of questions from the 2013 CHEM 13 NEWS Exam. The first is question #9, which is reproduced below. Almost all students responded (94%), with 34% of them choosing the correct response (B), and about the same percentage (32%) choosing answer C.
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Remember Superman? Not the recent movies starring what’s- his-name, but the television series produced in the 1950s. Clark Kent, the “mild mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper” would duck into the nearest phone booth (remember those?), and shed his suit in favour of tights and a cape, with the trademark “S” emblazoned on his broad, manly chest.
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It was a great privilege to meet so many Canadian and American chemistry teachers and lecturers at the superbly run ChemEd 2013 conference at the University of Waterloo. It was very brave of the organizers (and indeed myself for that matter) to organise a workshop over a 3,700 mile distance and a rather large stretch of water.
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The answer is YES!! We have photographic evidence for those who were not able to attend the ChemEd 2013 Opening Ceremonies this summer.
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